The holidays may be a bit different due to the ongoing pandemic.  However, many people will still be bringing the holiday spirit into their homes.  Whether it is a Christmas tree, fun decorations, special foods, or carefully wrapped presents– all these things can be enticing, yet potentially dangerous for our pets.

So, what can you do to keep your pets safe and still enjoy the holidays? Here’s a list of Do’s and Don’ts to consider:

DO: Choose the right tree.

Some trees are mildly toxic to both cats and dogs.  Keep the area around the tree clear of pine needles so that your pet will not eat them, or consider purchasing an artificial tree. 

DON’T: Allow your pet to drink the water in the tree stand.

If you’ve added fertilizer to help the tree last longer, this water will make your pet extremely sick.

DO: Place your decorations higher than your pets reach.

Your decorations stay decorations (rather than toys) by keeping them out of paws reach.

DON’T: Use dangerous decorations.

Many decorations can be toxic. For example: Mistletoe, holly, poinsettias, strings of popcorn, and cranberry strands are toxic to animals. 

DO: Secure electrical wires.

Use duct tape or cord covers to secure wires to the floor. The wires attached to holiday lights can be tempting for a puppy or kitten to chew. Wires can also trip or tangle your pet if not properly secured. 

DON’T: Leave out any gift wrapping paper, string, or ribbon after wrapping presents.

Dogs and cats like to play with these items and, if ingested, they can cause severe gastrointestinal problems. 

DO: Include your pet in the gift giving.

Whether it’s a new toy or a special treat, by giving your pet something to enjoy, it will help keep them occupied during the festivities. 

DON’T: Feed your pet from the table.

There are many ingredients in holiday dishes that are toxic to pets.  Onions, grapes, macadamia nuts, chocolate, candy canes, cinnamon sticks, and even alcohol, are just some of the things that can be either lethal, toxic, or cause cardiovascular problems or kidney failure.  

The holidays are all about joy and celebrating with family, friends, and our pets. Although this year may be a little different, we hope you are able to find a way to bring holiday cheer into your household. 

From all of us at Living Free Animal Sanctuary, we wish you a happy, warm, and loving holiday season!