Over two years ago, Ghost was found living amongst other Jack Russell Terrier mixes in what might’ve been a hoarding or backyard breeding situation. He had very little contact with humans and was practically feral. Our kennel staff decided to rescue this fearful little guy as they knew that with the right environment and plenty of love and patience, he had the potential to flourish. 

Unlike some of our other shy rescue dogs, Ghost struggled to open up. Even after several months, he would still run whenever anyone came near him. What eventually helped him was a special bond he developed with our staff member, Sophia. 

Ghost is now living an incredible life with his adopters, Shannon and Eddie, who adopted him in January 2021. Shannon and Eddie had seen photos and videos of Ghost on our instagram and were moved by his journey as a shy rescue dog. They wanted to meet him and felt like they might be the family that would be the perfect fit for him. 

When Shannon and Eddie first made the journey up to our sanctuary to meet with Ghost, they understood that it may take a few more visits before they would be able to bring him home, but they wanted to give it a try. They also needed to come back to introduce Ghost to their very friendly and goofy dog named Theo. 

As it turned out, Theo and Ghost got along really well – playing and running around the first day they met a few months later. It was clear this was the right home for Ghost – Shannon and Eddie were patient and compassionate and Theo was the perfect easy-going, friendly dog to help Ghost transition from kennel to home life. Shannon recently shared the following update on how Ghost has been doing in his new life: 

“Ghost was very timid when we first brought him home, but he immediately gravitated towards Theo’s bones and that was the start of them stealing bones from each other. We established our bedroom as his safe place and made a little den for him with his new crate and a bunch of blankets. 

Within the first week he actually jumped on the bed with us and that’s when he started sleeping with us. He started off at the end of our bed and has slowly made his way to snuggling right between us and hogging up the bed. 

He’s mostly very chill and loves snuggling up with blankets or his pile of toys he likes to hoard. His favorite toys are a 3ft long caterpillar and a giant stuffed moose that’s about 3 times his size. It’s the funniest thing watching him drag his big toys onto the bed.

He and Theo can spend all day playing tug of war. She’s always bringing her toys up to him so they can play. It’s absolutely hysterical watching him chase her around the coffee table. He also loves going for drives and sticking his head out of the window. Since he is a smaller dog we bought him a booster seat we can attach his harness to so he can safely enjoy the window. People love to say hi him when we’re cruising around town. 

We’re so grateful to have found him and that he’s accepted us with so much love. He’s the absolute sweetest boy.”

Thank you to Shannon, Eddie, and Theo for being the perfect family for Ghost. We could not be happier for this special little guy and could not imagine a better place for him to call home. If you are interested in seeing more photos of Ghost, you can check out his instagram @theghostpupper.